Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tech with Global Learning

This weeks topic was to select a website from our text and through the site find an article that describes a teacher using technology to support global learning.  This week, the Greenfooters decided to use Vanessa's website.  This article is about a teacher named Marodor who first wanted to have her students do blogs as a way for implementing technology in the classroom.  The teacher realized that students weren't engaged so she was trying to find other ways of making it better.  She was brainstorming and realized how the students were into recording the school news forecasting, so she wanted to implement technology in that sort of way.  Therefore Marodor had the students record a music video of the school with dancing, live animals, costumes, and many more decorations.  The ending result was great because the students were really engaged and Marodor proved that students learn from authentic experiences and problem based learning.  It is also inspirational because Marodor gained a reputation as an ED innovator and is how training other teachers how to implement technology in effective ways to their students.  Her main motto is that technology should personalize learning.  She has many goals for her district and wants the schools to go under a creative commons license, so everyone would know how to personalize learning with technology.